Meat Processing Tips for People with High Blood

For those of you who suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, want to eat anything feels awkward especially if you love meat. From doctors to your partner advised to reduce them.
Actually, not only diet can potentially increase your blood pressure, but also smoking, obesity, lazy exercise to stress.
Is it true that red meat can increase high blood pressure?
According to a study published in the British Medical Journal says that red meat has the potential to improve your blood pressure.
Another study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that not only red meat raised the risk of blood pressure but also other meat, red meat even though they all contribute a higher risk.
Rooted in the article quoted by JAMA Internal Medicine in 2014, people with high blood pressure are encouraged to follow a vegetarian diet.
Why chicken and fish "better" than the red meat?
Red meat such as beef, pork and lamb contain cholesterol and saturated fat are higher when compared to chicken and fish. Cholesterol and saturated fat can raise your blood pressure and cause blockage of blood vessels.
Additionally, unsaturated fats contained in fish such as salmon has benefits for the body. Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
How to process the meat is good for people with high blood pressure?
When will eat meat, reserving fat visible to you. Meanwhile, when cooking, avoid extra fat (like when you fry the meat or digulai with coconut milk) and should be cooked with roasted, steamed or boiled.
To add flavor, than by adding salt or high-sodium sauces such as soy sauce or barbecue sauce, you can use lemon juice.
In addition to meat, anything that needs to be avoided for patients with high blood pressure?
If you have high blood pressure, there are some foods that you should avoid in addition to meat. Include the following:

  • Salt
Salt and sodium are the main enemy for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that people with high blood limit daily sodium intake of less than 1,500 mg.

  • Processed meat
Not only red meat, processed meats such as dried meats or sausages can contain high levels of sodium to 600 mg or more. This type of meat contains high sodium levels due to generally "preserved" with salt.

  • Canned food
Just as processed meats, canned foods such as canned soup or broth also contains high levels of sodium.

  • Foods high in saturated fats and trans fats
Patients with high blood pressure should avoid the consumption of saturated fats and trans fats. These fats can be found in foods that completely fried, chicken skin, dairy products and butter. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the consumption of saturated fat and trans fat in excess can increase your LDL levels. High LDL levels can "aggravate" your blood pressure.

  • Coffee
If you suffer from high blood pressure, get ready to say goodbye to your coffee drinking habits. One cup of coffee you drink every morning routine can increase your blood pressure. Limit your daily coffee intake if you do not want the blood pressure soaring.

  • Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can raise your blood pressure. Not only that, alcohol also can prevent high blood pressure medication you are working effectively.

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